Volunteer to be a YPG Mentor!
Been in publishing for two years or more?
Have some advice to share? Want to help other newbies in the industry?
If so, then please volunteer to be a YPG mentor! We accept new mentors year-round... this especially helps fill the gaps when people leave the YPG due to new jobs or a change in circumstance. (We often have a surplus of mentees and a shortage of mentors... so we can always use more of the latter!)
We'll match you up with another, more junior YPG member interested in your field. The extent of the mentor/mentee relationship is up to the both of you... you can meet as often or as little as your schedules and time allow. There are two or three YPG-organized events throughout the year so mentors and mentees can bond and get to know each other, but the real value of these relationships is in the more frequent correspondence between each matched pair.
Publishing is an industry where networking and relationship-building is paramount. And participating in the YPG Mentoring Program is just another way to develop those all-important relationships!
E-mail ypgmentorprogram@hotmail.com for more information or to volunteer.
** A YPG Mentor/Mentee Happy Hour and Reading is planned for Monday, June 12th from 6:00pm–8:30pm. If interested in attending, please e-mail ypgmentorprogram@hotmail.com for more details. Include your name, affiliation, and whether you'd like to be a mentor. New people are welcome! **